30DWC 2017 Progress - Week 2 Update

Whew, another week done already! As expected, I have had a few peaks and troughs this week. I surprised myself and still managed to keep my streak going through most of my time away. It was only the final day on Tuesday that I simply didn’t get a chance to write. However, I feel like I made up for that by spending significantly longer than 30 minutes on the following days. Most of the week’s writing was spent finishing and then editing my über post about how I do Zen to Done with Todoist. Writing it has sparked several more posts I should do on my other pieces of my trusted system. I’ve also put a couple of short pieces together for marginalia.

Next week, I’m back to work after the bank holiday so I will be back to my normal routine fully. I’m planning to complete a few pieces for work and I’m aiming to get another article for my site underway, along with some editing and completion of the stoic pieces that are in-progress.

Total words written or edited this week: 2333

Total words for the challenge so far: 7988