Weeknotes #12/19

2 minutes reading time

18 Mar - 24 Mar 2019

I got my last Scouting training module signed off this week so now I’m a fully-fledged Scout leader.

Best thing I’ve read or watched

If you’ve been reading my weekly notes regularly you’ll know that I had enjoyed the Tim Ferriss podcast episode with Jim Collins so I’d been thinking about how I could apply some of the ideas to my life. One idea mentioned was called the “20 mile march”. I found an interesting post about it on the Art of Manliness - What’s Your 20 Mile March?.

Books I’m reading

I am about halfway through Mastery, and I’m finding it to be an interesting and thoughtful read.

We have started instigating some of the first parts from 7 Habits for Highly Effective Families into our family. We have set out to have a family meeting every Saturday morning to discuss how our week has been and looking at the week ahead. We’re also discussing our thoughts to begin constructing our family mission statement.

I finished The Midnight Line. Another enjoyable Jack Reacher romp.

What did I learn this week?

A couple more different kettlebell pressing drills. Firstly, using differently weighted bells alternately press them. As one bell is coming down, start pressing the other side up such that they’re both halfway up together.

The second was doing one and a half presses. Fully press the bell, then lower it halfway until your forearm and upper arm make a right angle, then press it up again. Lower all the way back down before starting the same again.

A week in Stoicism

What’s bad for the hive is bad for the bee Marcus Aurelius

Sympatheia, the mutual interdependence and interconnectedness of all things in the universe. We are all one with each having our own unique role in the world. Help others to be their best self and you will become your best self.


Got any questions or comments? Drop me a message on Twitter (@elaptics).