Weeknotes #9 - Geek Edition

3 minutes reading time

19 Mar - 25 Mar 2018

I published my latest article “how to remember what you read” which turned out to be quite a long, epic post. I’m fairly happy about it although the ending is a bit abrupt as I was conscious that I needed to get it published to stay on target for my publishing schedule.

We’re currently reading The Obstacle is the Way in the Inline Block book club so I’m practicing what I’m preaching. I’m finding it quite hard to take notes as I have the Kindle edition and it’s pretty terrible for anything except highlighting. What’s worse is that I’m having to tap several times any time I need to get a location/page reference. What I’d love to see is some decent way to take notes on my iPad using the pencil to highlight and take notes in the margins and creating my own index, etc. In a similar vein, it’s the same issue if you’re trying to take notes with podcasts. I’d love to see an app where it’s really easy to bookmark and add an (ideally voice) note. I have to say that I’m definitely back to preferring physical books if I’m taking notes. It limits the Kindle to only being convenient for fiction books when I don’t want to have to take a whole pile of books with me.

Geeking out 1: Task Managers

I met up with Marc on Friday afternoon and we geeked out about task managers having both recently switched around. Me from Todoist to Omnifocus and Marc’s switched to Things 3 from Omnifocus.

Geeking out 2: LEGO

I’ve started building Ninjago City, which I’m really loving. There’s some great techniques used and some nice new pieces. I’ve also been thinking about some builds to enter the Rebrick competition and to show at the next Brick Central meetup.

Speaking of Brick Central, it was our first LEGO show — Cobblers — in Northampton. I went along with my daughter and had a great time, meeting quite a few people from the LUG and saw some great MOCs.

F1 is back

F1 season is underway again. We’ve resumed our Inline Block fantasy F1 league so I got my Fantasy F1 team chosen and made my predictions. This year we decided to go Pro for some extra stats which I expect will make it even more competitive than last year.

A week in Stoicism

Retreats. Finding peace within yourself. You don’t need to go anywhere to find peace and quiet. You can’t get away from yourself. A true retreat is the freedom of your own mind. Be prepared and able to deal with the adversity that will come your way, whatever form that might take.

A phrase that Bealers said has stuck with me this week A life you don’t need a vacation from

People seek retreats for themselves in the country, by the sea, or in the mountains. You are very much in the habit of yearning for those same things. But this is entirely the trait of a base person, when you can, at any moment, find such a retreat in yourself. For nowhere can you find a more peaceful and less busy retreat than in your own soul — especially if on close inspection it is filled with ease, which I say is nothing more than well-ordered. Treat yourself often to this retreat and be renewed.” Marcus Aurelius


Got any questions or comments? Drop me a message on Twitter (@elaptics).