Reducing reliance on meat

Book: Homo Deus

We are suddenly showing unprecedented interest in the fate of so-called lower life forms, perhaps because we are about to become one. If and when computer programs attain superhuman intelligence and unprecedented power, should we begin valuing programs more than we value humans? Would it be okay, for example, for an artificial intelligence to exploit humans and these even kill them to further its own needs and desires? If it should never be allowed to do that, despite its superior intelligence and power, why is it ethical for humans to exploit and kill pigs? Do humans have some magical spark, in addition to higher intelligence and greater power, which distinguishes them from pigs, chickens, chimpanzees and computer programs alike?

This book made me think harder about my choice to eat meat and how we farm animals as a species. There is little to no evidence that we are superior biologically than any other species on this planet. We are just the only species who exploit many other species for our own benefit, and willfully ignore those other creatures subjective wellbeing. Given this, as a family we are now trying to reduce our reliance on meat. We realise it’s a necessarily slower process to identify alternative meals and overcome our ingrained habits from advertising, etc to think that milk is good for us, and having our meat and two veg.

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