Weeknotes #3 - Americana Edition

1 minute reading time

5 Feb-11 Feb 2018

I started The Miracle Morning but so far I’m finding it a bit “ra-ra American”. The first 30% of the book is a lot of repeated stuff with minimal information. It covers the 6 things he did, which feels like it could have just been a blog post. I’m hoping the rest of the book has more actual information about the 6 S.A.V.E.R.S items. So far barely worth the £1.99 I spent.

One of my goals this year is to achieve my Scouting wood badge so I got my scout training back underway and attended a weekend course to cover several modules. It was a good session with some fun and interesting exercises and I came away with several new games and things to try in our future programmes.

For some reason we had a ton of new enquiries at work, which was great. Now if I could only figure out how to replicate this every week…

A week in Stoicism

Suspend your opinions and judgements. We’re not upset about things we don’t know about. That’s not to say we should just ignore bad things that happen around us but we are in control of what we think and we can train ourselves to become indifferent to things that are outside of our control and to not let those hold sway over us.

“We have the power to hold no opinion about a thing and to not let it upset our state of mind—for things have no natural power to shape our judgements.” Marcus Aurelius


Got any questions or comments? Drop me a message on Twitter (@elaptics).